faith n. 费丝〔女子名〕。 n. 1.信用,信任。 2.信仰,信心;信条,教义,教(派)。 3.约,誓约。 4.信义,忠实,诚实,诚意。 5.〔the F-〕 宗教信仰〔指基督教信仰〕。 in bad faith 不诚实地。 in good faith 真诚地。 break faith 背弃信仰,不守信义。 break one's faith 背信食言。 by my faith =by the faith of my fathers [body, love] = upon my faith. engage [pledge, plight] one's faith 担保,发誓,答应。 give one's faith 担保,断定地。 have faith in 相信。 have no faith in 不相信。 i' faith = in faith! 实在,真,真正。 keep faith 忠于信仰,遵守信义。 lose faith in 对…失去信念。 my faith = in faith. on the faith of 靠着…的信用,由…的保证。 pin one's faith on[to] 绝对信任,深信不疑。 put faith in 相信,信任。 upon my faith 我担保,一定。 int. 真正,真。 faith cure [healing] (用宗教,祷告等迷信方法的)信仰医疗。
It offended his honesty to trade on the faith of the patients he treated when he had no faith in himself . 他对自己都没有信心却要利用患者的信心,这又使他感到不诚实。
I declare to you on the faith of a gentleman , that i have long dismissed it from my mind 我以正直人的信念向你保证,我确实早就把那事忘光了。
What i admire in columbus is not his having discovered a world but is having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion 我钦佩哥伦布,不是因为他发现了新大陆,而是他坚信自己的主张而从事探险。
Oftener , however , its credibility rested on the faith of some lonely eye - witness , who beheld the wonder through the coloured , magnifying , and distorting medium of his imagination , and shaped it more distinctly in his afterthought 不过,更多的情况是,这种景象的可信性不过是某个单独的目睹者心诚所致,他用想象中那种有色的、放大的和变形的中介来看待这种奇迹,再在事后的回忆中更加清晰地勾勒出来。
We sincerely our company would contuine to insist on the faith of " credit standing first , establish public praise " , " customer paramountcy , quality first " for service tenet , we hope can establish a long term business relationship with all kinds of customers from all over the world 本厂将继续秉持以"讲信誉,立口碑"为企业理念, "客户至上,质量第一"为服务宗旨,诚招天下客户,竭诚为国内外客商提供热诚的服务
The basic rule of apparent partnership is as follow : when a person , who is not a partner , holds out in a certain way as a partner in an existing partnership or with one or more persons not actual partners , he is liable as if he were a partner to the third party who has given credit to the partnership on the faith of such representation 表见合伙的基本规则是:某人虽然不是合伙人,但他的行为使与之交往的第三人认为他是某现存合伙的合伙人或与其他人一起构成合伙,且该第三人基于此认识与该合伙进行了交易,则某人就要象他就是真正的合伙人一样对该第三人的损失负合伙人的责任。